Oğlum Gey Mi?
Madi Sözlük
teknoloji, meraklı ve endişeli(!) ebeveynlerin imdadına yetişiyor. android telefonlar için geliştirilen uygulamanın adı "ıs my son gay?" zeki bir fransız çok basit sorulardan oluşturduğu uygulamayı 2.69$ fiyatla satıyor.
sorular şöyle;
1. does he like to dress up nicely? does he pay close attention to his outfits and brand names?
2. does he like football?
3. before he was born did you wish he would be a girl?
4. has he ever gotten into or participated in a fight?
5. does he read sports magazines?
6. does he have a best friend
7. does he like team sports?
8. ıs he prudish/modest?
9. does he like diva singers?
10. does he spend a long time in the bathroom
11. does he have a tongue, nose or ear piercing
12. does he spend time getting ready before being seen in public?
13. have you asked yourself questions about your son's sexual orientation?
14. are you divorced?
15. does he like musical comedies?
16. has he introduced you to a girlfriend ever?
17. ıs the father (you) very strict or authoritarian with his son?
18. ın your family is the father absent?
19. was he shy as a child?
20. ıs he close to his father?